
Difference Between Internal And External Memory

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Difference Between Internal And External Memory Points : difference between internal and external memory, comparision between internal and external memory
Difference Between Internal And External Memory

Internal Memory

External Memory
1.Internal memory is also known as primary storage or main memory.External memory is also known as secondary, Auxiliary or backing storage.
2.It is volatile in nature in case of RAM but ROM is non-volatile.It is non-volatile in nature.
3.It is connected by inserting chips into sockets in case of RAM while ROM is built in into the computer.They are connected by data cable and power cable with the computer.
4.It is used to store data temporary in case of RAM.They are use to score data permanently for future used.
5.It consists of media only.It consist of media and device.
6.Internal memory is a working memory.External memory is not a working memory.
7.Examples are RAM and ROM.Examples are hard disk, floppy disk, magnetic tape, cassette etc.

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